If you are a telecommunications customer of ISPACE then these standard terms apply to your use of our services.
Additional terms may apply to some of our services. For example, if you are a "Broadband" customer, additional terms apply to your use of our Broadband service. We will tell you when additional terms apply.
Sometimes we may make special offers that are subject to other terms.
If you accept one of those special offers, then the terms of that offer will also apply.
Our agreement will commence on the date we accept your application and will continue until this agreement is terminated in accordance with these terms and conditions.
We aim to provide you with high quality services that can be used at any time. However the nature of our services means that we cannot ensure that they will always be available or working properly. This is largely because our services rely on networks and equipment that we do not control.
If there is a problem with our service we will try and fix it as soon as we can. If you experience any problems with our service please let us know by calling customer services. We will try to address the problem in a way that satisfies you. Before resorting to any external dispute resolution mechanism, we and you shall attempt to settle any dispute within 14 days of that dispute arising. You are responsible for the cost of any telephone calls you make to access our services.
We may at any time suspend, restrict or disconnect your ability to use our services.
You must pay our charges for the services we provide. If someone else uses the services we provide to you, you are still responsible for payment. Additional charges may apply for manually posted invoices, accounts not paid, if you request a change to your account or to see any historical account information. We will inform you of the charge prior to it being applied. You can get details of our current charges either from our website www.ispace.net.au or by calling customer service.
Some of our services are offered as Prepaid services. If you subscribe for these services you must pay for them in advance. For other services, unless we agree otherwise, we will bill you monthly. You must pay our charges by the due date. For recurring subscriptions, invoices are issued 10 days prior to the due date unless requested otherwise. If you do not pay our charges by the due date then we may charge you a late payment fee. You must also pay us any costs we incur in trying to recover overdue payments from you. If you have any questions about your bill, or you think there is a mistake, then please contact our accounts department as soon as possible. If we agree that there has been a mistake with your bill we will fix it immediately.
We may use information you have provided us to carry out credit checks on you. We may also give that information to credit agencies for that purpose. As we provide services on credit, we may require you to make a payment in advance before we allow you to use (or keep using) our services. We may also set credit limits.
You agree:
- to make sure that all information you provide to us is correct and up to date to follow any instructions we provide and to comply with any restrictions we impose regarding your use of our servicesto keep any password or security code which relates to our services confidential,and to change the password or security code if we request you to do soto notify us immediately if you believe that someone else has discovered your password or security code or has made any fraudulent use of the services we provide to you
- to notify us immediately of any change of your address or contact information.
You agree not to use our services:
- in a way which breaks any law or infringes anyone's legal rights (such as copyright)to obtain unauthorised access to anyone's systemin a way which could cause physical or other damage to anyone's system
- in a way which is offensive, abusive or is likely to be a nuisance to someone else. If you do not comply with these obligations, and we incur costs as a result, then you must pay those costs. In addition, we can remove from our servers any material that we consider breaches these terms.
In relation to our Internet services:
- you must not logon to the Internet with your account from more than one machine at any one timeyou must remove your email from our mail server promptly and the space used by your files on our system must not exceed 20mb. If you do not regularly remove your email or it builds up to exceed the 20mb limit we can remove it ourselves you must not use a flat rate account as a permanent internet connectionto ensure access to the internet is available to all our customers on a fair basis, we can disconnect you if you have been continuously connected for more than 4 hours or if your connection remains idle for 20 minutes. If we disconnect you for these reasons you will be able to re-connect immediately as long as your account is not overdue or suspended
- block (hourly account) hours purchased are valid for 12 months and will expire if not used.
From time to time you may give us personal information, such as your address and other details. If you do not give us this information we may not be able to provide you with services. Personal information about you may also be generated as a result of your use of our services.
We will treat your personal information in a manner that meets the requirements of the Privacy Act.
You agree that we can use your personal information (and provide it to appropriate third parties) to:
- provide services to you bill youcomplete credit checkingrecover overdue accounts
- keep you informed about our services and those of our selected business partners
We may monitor or record calls to customer services. (For training purposes to improve service quality or for verbal acceptance of product applications etc).You can at any time make a written request to see any personal information that we hold or to ask us to correct any mistakes in that information.
To the extent that the law allows us to do so, we exclude all liability to you in connection with our provision of services to you.
If, even though we have excluded our liability, we are held to be liable to you for any reason, then our liability is limited to a maximum of $2,000 for any event (or series of related events) and to a maximum of $10,000 in any year.
You agree that these people are not liable to you in relation to our services:
- Our employees, contractors, officers and agents
- Any network operator or other person whose services we use to provide services to you (or any of their employees, contractors, officers and agents).
For services billed monthly you can end this agreement by giving 30 days notice to customer services. For services not billed monthly you can end this agreement by giving at least 30 days notice to customer services before the end of your current invoice period. We can end this agreement immediately if you do not meet your obligations under this agreement. Otherwise we can end this agreement by giving you 30 days notice. We can also suspend or restrict your ability to use our services without ending this agreement if we believe that you have not met your obligations under this agreement. However this agreement is ended, you will still have to pay our charges for any services we supplied to you before the agreement ended.
Our services are provided under Australian law. If you want to bring a claim against us you must do so in an Australian court.
If you need to contact us for any reason you can do so by calling customer services. If we need to notify you of anything we can do so:
- by email to you if you are an internet customer, or a phone customer who has supplied us with an email address; or by post; or by phone; or by a notice on our website (www.ispace.net.au); or
- by public notice in major metropolitan newspapers. If your contact details change then you must tell us the new details. You are deemed to have received any notice sent to your last known email or postal address.
We can transfer some or all of our rights and obligations under this agreement to someone else. We will tell you if we do this.
We can change these terms at any time. We will notify you of any change before it comes into effect.